Allo Treatment case study for

Porn Addiction & Compulsive Masturbation

Addiction in the sexual wellness category are associated with types of addictive or compulsive behaviours such as sex addiction, masturbation addiction, or porn addiction.

Treatment & Patient Dteails
Treatment Overview
Patient Details
Heterosexual, 26, Male, In a relationship
Porn Addiction & Compulsive Masturbation
Total Treatment Cost
Rs. 3,996
Doctor Consulted
Sexual and Relationship Psychotherapy Expert
Treatment Duration
2 months
Diet & Lifestyle Advice
Anxiety Disorder
Snapshot of my
Journey with Allo

“ While searching online I came across Allo Health and decided to give it a try. Their dedicated approach & the support of a competant team increased my confidence and hope. I went through following steps in my journey with Allo.”

1. Assessment Form

I started with taking the  4-min self-assessment on the website

I was asked questions not only about my condition, but also my lifestyle - something in the months of undergoing treatment, I was never asked. I immediately realised that this time might be different."
The form helps Allo assign the right doctor for the user along with helping in determining a personalised plan for them.
"There were a few questions that I didn't know how to answer - I had reached out to my assigned Care Expert who helped me understand what I had to do. That reassurance helped reduce my hesitancy a lot."
A dedicated Care Expert will be with you throughout your wellness journey.

2. Screening Consultation

Screening consultation was very informative for me and I felt positive for receiving a solution after a long time.

Doctor speak

"The patient was unable to "perform" because, after his past sexual experiences and attempts he developed insecurity and is also anxious by nature. He further developed a loss of sexual desire which affected his self-esteem. All of this has led to Sexual Performance Anxiety and avoidance of any sexual intimacy."

"I was expecting a quick symptom check but...."
  • I was greeted with respect and an open attitude."

  • "The reason behind my symptoms were explained to me in detail."

  • Comfort, I realised, is something I had not felt in a while speaking to a care professional. I felt safe.

Our doctors specialise in the range of sexual wellness - including modern medicine, psychosexual therapy and surgical intervention.

Doctor Consultation

Root Cause

The doctor explains the causes behind this case of Psychogenic Erectile Dysfunction.

  • 1st sexual experience

  • Inadequate resources &  Ineffective treatment

  • Sexual Performance Anxiety

  • Psychogenic ED

3. Presonalised Allo Treatment Plan

I went ahead and bought Allo’s Treatment Plan, as I found it very convenient and easy to follow

Post purchase, a personalised  treatment plan was created & shared with me. My dedicated ‘Allo Buddy’ was available to me anytime, I had a concern or I wanted a follow-up.
  • My prescribed medications were home delivered and required tests were scheduled at my convenience in my home

  • The resources shared with me helped in understanding the problem and helped me calm down a little.

Therapy For ED

was an eye-opener for me. It helped me understand information regarding my diagnosis of Psychogenic ED along with coping and treating my Performance Anxiety.

4. Follow-up Doctor Consultation

Screening consultation was very informative for me and I felt positive for receiving a solution after a long time.

My follow-up was scheduled after the first course of treatment which I had to miss due to work commitments. My Allo Buddy helped me reschedule it last minute at a more convenient time.
A dedicated Care Expert will help you in all your needs around a successful treatment.

5. Revisiting my prescription & diet plan

I went ahead and bought Allo’s Treatment Plan, as I found it very convenient and easy to follow

In the follow up the doctor reduced my dosage to 50%.  I was also advised an easy change in my sleeping pattern which was quite irregular before.
Snapshot of my
Journey with Allo

I found Allo through their website and decided to consult with their experts through online video consultation.

1. Assessment Form

"When I first found Allo, I was not hesitant to try consulting with them because I was desperate. I went ahead with filling up the assessment form and was surprised at the detailed questionnaire."

"The first step with Allo was filling up an assessment form. The questions that were asked shocked me - they were very detailed, and I felt as though this time I could get the proper help I need."
The form helps Allo assign the right doctor for the user along with helping in determining a personalised plan for them.

2. Screening Consultation

Before my consultation, a Care Expert reached out to me to brief me about what's going to happen. Knowing that the process was easy and that I was always taken care of, helped my nerves calm down before my first consultation."

"I was expecting a quick symptom check but...."
  • My Doctor had gone through the form that I had filled online. He knew about my medical history, did an excellent consultation, and patiently counseled and reassured me about PE and the various treatment options that Allo provides.

  • I felt I was not being judged and was able to speak about my symptoms, doubts, and fears with no embarrassment.

Doctor speak

"Patient history is suggestive of Primary Premature Ejaculation. He ejaculates under 2 minutes all or most of the time.

This is a common problem faced by many men, and due to the stigma associated with sexual disorders, many don't know that symptoms can improve through holistic treatment."

3. Presonalised Allo Treatment Plan

After I purchased the treatment plan, a Care Expert helped me through the process.   I had some questions about the medications I was prescribed and was sent an informational handbook to understand how my medications were going to help me."

“I had some questions about the medications I was prescribed and was sent an informational booklet to understand how my medications were going to help me."
Doctor's Advice

"My doctor had asked me to practice the Stop-Start Technique. He explained to me how it's performed and told me that doing this exercise over a couple of weeks will help me understand my threshold for ejaculation."

Educational Content

"I was able to understand both the technique and my diagnosis through the information provided by the Care Expert. The PE handbook was very helpful to me - I was able to understand my treatment and its progress."

Medication Delivery

"I was very nervous about receiving any medications, but Allo delivered them discreetly. I was very grateful for this and was able to afford my medications with their discount. The medications were delivered within 2 days and I was able to begin following my Care Plan quickly."

Medication Side Effects

"I was unsure of the medications I was prescribed and was worried about the side effects it would cause. My Doctor assured me that it would be all right, but the Medicine handbook provided to me after my consultation helped me the most."

Snapshot of my
Journey with Allo

Realising that my addiction to masturbation was interfering with my day-to-day work, I decided to seek help. I came across Allo while looking for solution for Porn Addiction.

1. Assessment Form

"When I first found Allo, I was not hesitant to try consulting with them because I was desperate. I went ahead with filling up the assessment form and was surprised at the detailed questionnaire."

I knew that I was masturbating too much, and while I reduced it during my initial previous treatment, I began masturbating frequently again after I saw no improvement."
The form helps Allo assign the right doctor for the user along with helping in determining a personalised plan for them.
I truly felt that my excessive masturbating was the root cause of my quick climax. I made sure to be completely honest on my form, hoping that the doctor would help me with my symptoms."
I started to feel that I have a high sexual desire that I couldn't control. I was very happy to see that the questionnaire had questions about this topic
"Filling out the detailed form gave me confidence that my consultation would be different from my previous ones."
Using porn to masturbate had become a habit. I used to watch porn for 3-5 hours per day and started to feel very guilty. I would do this at the expense of not paying attention to my job and life."

2. Screening Consultation

Screening consultation was very informative for me and I felt positive for receiving a solution after a long time.

"I was expecting a quick symptom check but...."
  • "My consultation with my Doctor was really good. He introduced himself and expressed that my confidentiality was a top priority. I felt instantly comfortable explaining my symptoms and fears to him. The doctor told me that many people experience what I was struggling with.

  • This was the first time I had been suggested Therapy for my symptoms. The doctor explained to me how it will help me overcome my addiction to porn and compulsive masturbation. I understood how they led to my quick climax experiences."

Our doctors specialise in the range of sexual wellness - including modern medicine, psychosexual therapy and surgical intervention.

Doctor speak

"Due to his dependency on porn and excessive masturbation, he had developed premature ejaculation.

He also has psychiatric comorbidities such as OCD which is an Anxiety disorder.

He was counselled about treating his OCD, along with learning about penis anatomy and his fears about his premature ejaculation symptoms. He was also reassured that Therapy will help him with his compulsive masturbation and porn addiction. The aim is to treat his ejaculation problems after his Therapy sessions."

3. Presonalised Allo Treatment Plan

After I purchased the treatment plan, a Care Expert helped me through the process.

“I had some questions about the medications I was prescribed and was sent an informational booklet to understand how my medications were going to help me."
Therapy For ED

"After I purchased my Care Plan suggested by my doctor, a Care Expert reached out and explained to me about booking my therapy sessions with my doctor. It was a very easy and efficient process, and definitely less stressful."

Understanding My Symptoms

"The Care Expert forwarded some articles that would help me understand my condition. I was also sent a booklet on Premature Ejaculation authored by Allo doctors. For the first time since being treated for my sexual dysfunctions, I definitely felt that I was not alone."

At Session 2

"At first I was very skeptical about my therapy sessions. I had a lot of anxiety and was not able to concentrate on the advice being given to me. I started to feel a bit better during my second consultation and started to ask questions."

By Session 4

"By my fourth therapy session, I was able to see how therapy has positively affected my symptoms. His efforts to make me feel comfortable and heard when I felt unsure was one of the main reasons I was able to benefit from Dr’s therapy sessions."

Snapshot of my
Journey with Allo

It has been very stressful since I have been experiencing these symptoms. I didn't understand why I was the only one that was feeling this way - no one understood where I was coming from.

1. Assessment Form

"When I first found Allo, I was not hesitant to try consulting with them because I was desperate. I went ahead with filling up the assessment form and was surprised at the detailed questionnaire."

Sexual History
  • Has unsuccessfully tried sexual intercourse

  • Last tried sexual intercourse 9 months ago

Medical History
  • Does not consume cardiac medications

  • Has not been diagnosed with chronic illness

  • Does not have any known allergies

Lifestyle Habits
  • Smokes: 1 to 3 Years

  • Consumes 1 to 5 alcoholic drinks per month

  • Does not consume any recreational drugs

Primary Concerns
  • Discomfort and pain during vaginal penetration and pelvic/intimate examinations.

  • Increased anxiety and low sexual desire associated with any sexual activity.

  • Lack of appetite and concentration increased 'sadness' episodes and disrupted sleep cycle.

2. Screening Consultation

Screening consultation was very informative for me and I felt positive for receiving a solution after a long time.

"I was expecting a quick symptom check but...."
  • It has been very stressful since I have been experiencing these symptoms. I didn't understand why I was the only one that was feeling this way - no one understood where I was coming from.

  • Turns out many women go through this. I felt very safe during my consultation and didn't feel judged or ashamed. My doctor explained Vaginismus to me and how my mental health affected it negatively. I understood what my treatment journey would look like - it made me feel secure and confident that my symptoms would improve if I followed my Care Plan.

Our doctors specialise in the range of sexual wellness - including modern medicine, psychosexual therapy and surgical intervention.

Doctor speak

The patient has anxiety before sex - she has a prominent fear that exaggerates her symptoms of Vaginismus. She also showed significant signs of Depression which worsened her sexual health symptoms as well. I suggested that she be treated for both diganoses through a holistic approach of medications, therapy and lifestyle improvements.

3. Presonalised Allo Treatment Plan

After I purchased the treatment plan, a Care Expert helped me through the process.

“I had some questions about the medications I was prescribed and was sent an informational booklet to understand how my medications were going to help me."
Benzodiazepine (SOS)

Medications in this class have muscle relaxing properties which help improve vaginal muscle tightening & spasms and anxiety reduction.


Used to treat depressive and anxiety disorders. This will help treat & improve symptoms of depression.

Counseling For Vaginismus Relaxation Therapy CBT for depression

Vaginismus, caused by psychological factors, leads to vaginal muscles tightening during penetration. This is the body's response to the fear and/or discomfort associated with vaginal penetration. It can be painful and affects arousal and desire.

Relaxation therapy helps improve Vaginismus symptoms by teaching techniques and tools to help control and relax vaginal muscles.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy is a type of psychotherapy that teaches constructive ways to deal with triggers or negative thoughts to ensure better coping mechanisms.

Resources Shared
Vaginismus 101

The handbooks provided help the patient come to terms with their diagnosis better. They can, on their own time, learn about how their treatment will look going forward. It helps alleviate insecurity and doubt, and rebuilt confidence in their treatment progress.

Lifestyle Advise
Pelvic floor Exercises: Kegel's

Pelvic floor exercises gradually help the female get used to penetrative sex.  It helps train coordination and control over the pelvic floor muscles.

Snapshot of my
Journey with Allo

This 4-minute form is divided into six sections and captures a user's complete history relevant to their concern(s). This helps the Allo team determine the right doctor for them along with helping their consultation be more thorough and effective as the doctor has the details of the user's case before their first consultation.

1. Assessment Form

The male partner discovered Allo through an online Ad and filled up the assessment form based on the concerns he had with his wife. This snapshot presents his Assessment Form answers that the doctor thoroughly read through before he consulted with the couple.

Relationship Status
  • Has unsuccessfully tried sexual intercourse

  • Last tried sexual intercourse 9 months ago

Sexual History
  • - Does not consume cardiac medications

  • - Has not been diagnosed with chronic illness

  • - Does not have any known allergies

Sexual Desire
  • - Smokes: 1 to 3 Years

  • - Consumes 1 to 5 alcoholic drinks per month

  • - Does not consume any recreational drugs

  • Dissatisfied with erection quality during sexual intercourse for the past 7 months to 1 year.

  • Unable to have penetrative sexual intercourse.

  • He and his partner are not satisfied with his ejaculation time.

  • He thinks that he has early ejaculation.

  • Never ejaculates before penetration.

  • General ejaculation time: 3-5 minutes during sexual intercourse.

2. Screening Consultation

Screening consultation was very informative for me and I felt positive for receiving a solution after a long time.

Convinced that treatment approach works
"Convinced that this treatment approach would work "

This was the first time my wife and I were consulting with a doctor together from separate homes. While we were still having interpersonal issues, we were very happy with our consultation and later decided to move back in together convinced that this treatment approach would work.

"The non-judgemental attitude was felt so different from others"

The doctor not only listened to each of our concerns but assured us that, together, we could help each other with our sex life and marriage. This open and non-judgemental attitude was so different from the gossip "they're childless" banter we had previously endured.

Doctor speak

The patient and his wife were dissatisfied with their sexual experiences. The male experienced performance anxiety which led to his wife feeling a lack of satisfaction during any sexual activity. During the time of the first consultation, the couple had been separated. I prescribed Sex Therapy for the couple and suggested that they both begin therapy in the next consultation session. No medications were necessary or prescribed.

3. Personalised Allo Treatment Plan

After I purchased the treatment plan, a Care Expert helped me through the process.

Doctor speak

During the discussion with the couple in their first therapy session, I informed the male partner that there is a lack of understanding on his part when it comes to female arousal and climax. While the male partner does have performance anxiety, the female partner also experienced Anorgasmia.

Therapy For ED
Step 1

"During the first therapy session with my wife, the therapist explained to us what Couple Sex Therapy meant and how it would positively affect our treatment journey. We were also given a handbook on it and we were nervous to start this because we had never heard about it before. This handbook helped, and the therapist definitely eased our fears. We were told to begin the first stage of the exercises, and continue to do them until our next therapy session."

Second Therapy Session
Step 2

"In the second therapy session, we focused more on pleasure giving and receiving. This was something that my wife and I never knew about. After this session, we practiced this step about 8 times. During this time we learned to trust each other as well as communicate our wants and needs. We now understood what our therapist meant by the mind-body connection."

Third Therapy Session
Step 3

"It had taken a bit more than 5 weeks of our time and effort during our therapy sessions. We are sure that due to the support we received, we were able to focus on healing, understanding, and communicating with each other. We were very grateful to say that we were able to consummate our marriage. I was able to get through my performance anxiety, and my wife was able to get through her Anorgasmia."

Journey with Allo
Patient Takeaways

"I have learnt how to control my impulses with porn and masturbation. My psychological health has greatly improved. "My premature ejaculation symptoms have also improved and I was able to have sex to mine and my partners satisfaction."

Intro Video Placeholder
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Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is defined as the inability to sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. The condition can affect anyone at any age.


Remember - the blood flow (BF), the nerve supply, and the balance of sex hormones - a concern in any of these can lead to Erectile Dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction can be caused by a physical (a ‘hardware’ problem) or psychological (mental health effects) - mental health can play a huge part.

Fact Check

Did you know that Erectile Dysfunction can be an indication of cardiovascular concerns? Chronic health conditions affecting blood flow can lead to Erectile Dysfunction.

Premature Ejaculation
Premature Ejaculation

If a man lasts less than 2 minutes after penetration (all or most of the time), and/or if it leads to frequent dissatisfaction for him or his partner, he may have Premature Ejaculation.


The causes of Premature Ejaculation include:
(1) Physical Factors: Medical conditions, chronic health conditions, or sexual disorders are some physical causes of Premature Ejaculation.
(2) Psychological Factors: Depression, Anxiety 

Fact Check

Did you know that Erectile Dysfunction can be a cause of Premature Ejaculation?

Premature Ejaculation can lead to other sexual dysfunctions, but that is not a wide-known fact.


Vaginismus is a condition in which the muscles in the vagina tighten up during penetration.


Vaginismus is commonly caused by psychological factors. Women don't have control over the tightening, and it can be uncomfortable. Due to the physical discomfort, the anxiety or fear response gets worse, and this can lead to a cycle of avoidance.

Fact Check

Did you know that there are four types of Vaginismus?

(1) Primary Vaginismus

(2) Secondary Vaginismus

(3) Situational Vaginismus

(4) Global Vaginismus

Sexual Desire Concerns
Sexual Desire Concerns

Low sexual desire, commonly referred to as low libido, is a decrease in sex drive.


Individuals that experience low sexual desire due to various causes are impacted physically, mentally, and emotionally by the symptoms the condition can cause.

Fact Check

Like other most common sexual disorders, low sexual desire can be influenced by many aspects, such as hormonal imbalance, increased age, side effects of medications, chronic illnesses, and addictive or compulsive behavior.

Relationship Concerns
Relationship Concerns

This would include concerns with infertility and/or conception. Sexual disorders such as Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, and Vaginismus can lead to challenges with pregnancy attempts.


There could be various causes of infertility, such as sexual dysfunctions, chronic illnesses, and mental health conditions leading to low sexual desire and a low sperm count. A sexual health professional should evaluate the causes of failed pregnancy attempts because there can be a variety of causes.

Fact Check
Porn Addiction
Porn Addiction

Porn addiction refers to a person becoming excessively dependent on pornography leading to a disruption in their everyday life. This could include their job, relationships and at times, their day-to-day lifestyle.


The causes behind porn addiction could be:

(1) Negative sexual experiences

(2) Incorrect understanding of porn and its uses

(3) Initially trying to learn about sexual experiences, resulted in dependency

(4) Experiencing mental health disorders such as OCD (an anxiety disorder) or depression

Fact Check

Watching porn isn’t a bad thing, nor should it be associated with any shame. However, compulsive porn watching can have negative effects on your sexual, physical and mental health.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★   Trusted by 10,000+ Indians
Dr. Sandip Deshpande
Dr. Pramod Krishnappa
Dr. Karthik K N
Dr. Chintan Solanki
Dr. Simran Shamanur
Dr. Ooha Susmita
Dr. Rohit Walwaikar
Dr. Sachin Lohar
Kanusha YK
Dr. Ashish Bansal
Dr. Meghana N K
Dr. Benzir Hussain
Dr. Warisha Fathima
Dr. Aditya Mahindru
Ms. Rachel Nithya Karat
Mrs. Satadeepa Som
Mrs. Devishi Mittal
Dr. Nikunj Gokani
Dr. Abhinav Sahay
Dr Sahana P
Ms. Ashima Sahore
Dr. Sidharth Sood
Dr. Niva Jacob
Dr. Adithya Sunka
Dr. Yeshwant Solanki
Dr. Aninda Gupta
Dr. Sanjana B Raj
Dr. Yamini Devendran
Dr. Neeharika Jaiswal
Dr. Aana Shah
Dr. Prerna Sah
Mr. Nihit Verma
Dr. Kumari Richa
Dr. Boyanapally Philip Kumar
Dr. Shruti Agnihotri
Dr. Tulika Datta
Dr. Arnav Sharma
Dr. K Shanti
Dr. Vignan Rachabattuni
Dr. Anukrati Singhai
Dr. Amruta Indurkar Kulkarni
Dr. Darshan H.B
Dr. Dodda Basavaraj
Dr. Arushi Singh
Ms. Janhvi Shah
Dr. Mohammed Ruvez Ahmed
Dr. Vatsal Suchak
Dr. Uma Maheswari S
Dr. Aman Shaba
Dr. Aishwarya John
Dr. Aishwarya Rao
Dr. Raj. R
Dr. Abhishek Kumar Sharma
Ms. Sanjana Shyam
Dr Aswathi P T
Dr. Thanushree KN
Dr Suhas S
Dr. Chinmay Patkar
Dr. Shwetha Purkanti
Dr. Varun Jaitpal
Dr. K H Rajesh
Dr. Saachi M Khanna
Dr. Sanina Mansoor
Dr. Rahul Latke
Dr Satish Kumar D
Dr Aditya R
Dr. Suraj Singh
Dr. Gayathri M
Dr. Akhilesh Om Parkash
Dr. Sushma Venkatesh
Dr. Pratyusha Kaipa
Dr Shruti Agrawal
Dr. Rupinder Deep Kaur Gill
Mr. Tirukovela Srikar
Dr. Fanish Bansal
Dr. Aditi Santosh
Dr. Mizba Amreen
Dr Prafulla T P
Dr. Joshua Chacko
Dr. Likhith
Dr. Shabari M
Dr. Aakriti Dhiman
Dr. Aakash Kumar Bhaskar
Dr. Charuta Pradeep
Dr. Prachi Agarwala
Dr. Raghunandan C
Dr. Ajay Ravi
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Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile Dysfunction

Erectile Dysfunction is defined as the inability to sustain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse. The condition can affect anyone at any age.


Remember - the blood flow (BF), the nerve supply, and the balance of sex hormones - a concern in any of these can lead to Erectile Dysfunction. Erectile Dysfunction can be caused by a physical (a ‘hardware’ problem) or psychological (mental health effects) - mental health can play a huge part.

Fact Check

Did you know that Erectile Dysfunction can be an indication of cardiovascular concerns? Chronic health conditions affecting blood flow can lead to Erectile Dysfunction.

Premature Ejaculation
Premature Ejaculation

If a man lasts less than 2 minutes after penetration (all or most of the time), and/or if it leads to frequent dissatisfaction for him or his partner, he may have Premature Ejaculation.


The causes of Premature Ejaculation include:
(1) Physical Factors: Medical conditions, chronic health conditions, or sexual disorders are some physical causes of Premature Ejaculation.
(2) Psychological Factors: Depression, Anxiety 

Fact Check

Did you know that Erectile Dysfunction can be a cause of Premature Ejaculation?

Premature Ejaculation can lead to other sexual dysfunctions, but that is not a wide-known fact.


Vaginismus is a condition in which the muscles in the vagina tighten up during penetration.


Vaginismus is commonly caused by psychological factors. Women don't have control over the tightening, and it can be uncomfortable. Due to the physical discomfort, the anxiety or fear response gets worse, and this can lead to a cycle of avoidance.

Fact Check

Did you know that there are four types of Vaginismus?

(1) Primary Vaginismus

(2) Secondary Vaginismus

(3) Situational Vaginismus

(4) Global Vaginismus

Sexual Desire Concerns
Sexual Desire Concerns

Low sexual desire, commonly referred to as low libido, is a decrease in sex drive.


Individuals that experience low sexual desire due to various causes are impacted physically, mentally, and emotionally by the symptoms the condition can cause.

Fact Check

Like other most common sexual disorders, low sexual desire can be influenced by many aspects, such as hormonal imbalance, increased age, side effects of medications, chronic illnesses, and addictive or compulsive behavior.

Relationship Concerns
Relationship Concerns

This would include concerns with infertility and/or conception. Sexual disorders such as Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, and Vaginismus can lead to challenges with pregnancy attempts.


There could be various causes of infertility, such as sexual dysfunctions, chronic illnesses, and mental health conditions leading to low sexual desire and a low sperm count. A sexual health professional should evaluate the causes of failed pregnancy attempts because there can be a variety of causes.

Fact Check
Porn Addiction
Porn Addiction

Porn addiction refers to a person becoming excessively dependent on pornography leading to a disruption in their everyday life. This could include their job, relationships and at times, their day-to-day lifestyle.


The causes behind porn addiction could be:

(1) Negative sexual experiences

(2) Incorrect understanding of porn and its uses

(3) Initially trying to learn about sexual experiences, resulted in dependency

(4) Experiencing mental health disorders such as OCD (an anxiety disorder) or depression

Fact Check

Watching porn isn’t a bad thing, nor should it be associated with any shame. However, compulsive porn watching can have negative effects on your sexual, physical and mental health.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★   Trusted by 10,000+ Indians
Dr. Sandip Deshpande
Dr. Pramod Krishnappa
Dr. Karthik K N
Dr. Chintan Solanki
Dr. Simran Shamanur
Dr. Ooha Susmita
Dr. Rohit Walwaikar
Dr. Sachin Lohar
Kanusha YK
Dr. Ashish Bansal
Dr. Meghana N K
Dr. Benzir Hussain
Dr. Warisha Fathima
Dr. Aditya Mahindru
Ms. Rachel Nithya Karat
Mrs. Satadeepa Som
Mrs. Devishi Mittal
Dr. Nikunj Gokani
Dr. Abhinav Sahay
Dr Sahana P
Ms. Ashima Sahore
Dr. Sidharth Sood
Dr. Niva Jacob
Dr. Adithya Sunka
Dr. Yeshwant Solanki
Dr. Aninda Gupta
Dr. Sanjana B Raj
Dr. Yamini Devendran
Dr. Neeharika Jaiswal
Dr. Aana Shah
Dr. Prerna Sah
Mr. Nihit Verma
Dr. Kumari Richa
Dr. Boyanapally Philip Kumar
Dr. Shruti Agnihotri
Dr. Tulika Datta
Dr. Arnav Sharma
Dr. K Shanti
Dr. Vignan Rachabattuni
Dr. Anukrati Singhai
Dr. Amruta Indurkar Kulkarni
Dr. Darshan H.B
Dr. Dodda Basavaraj
Dr. Arushi Singh
Ms. Janhvi Shah
Dr. Mohammed Ruvez Ahmed
Dr. Vatsal Suchak
Dr. Uma Maheswari S
Dr. Aman Shaba
Dr. Aishwarya John
Dr. Aishwarya Rao
Dr. Raj. R
Dr. Abhishek Kumar Sharma
Ms. Sanjana Shyam
Dr Aswathi P T
Dr. Thanushree KN
Dr Suhas S
Dr. Chinmay Patkar
Dr. Shwetha Purkanti
Dr. Varun Jaitpal
Dr. K H Rajesh
Dr. Saachi M Khanna
Dr. Sanina Mansoor
Dr. Rahul Latke
Dr Satish Kumar D
Dr Aditya R
Dr. Suraj Singh
Dr. Gayathri M
Dr. Akhilesh Om Parkash
Dr. Sushma Venkatesh
Dr. Pratyusha Kaipa
Dr Shruti Agrawal
Dr. Rupinder Deep Kaur Gill
Mr. Tirukovela Srikar
Dr. Fanish Bansal
Dr. Aditi Santosh
Dr. Mizba Amreen
Dr Prafulla T P
Dr. Joshua Chacko
Dr. Likhith
Dr. Shabari M
Dr. Aakriti Dhiman
Dr. Aakash Kumar Bhaskar
Dr. Charuta Pradeep
Dr. Prachi Agarwala
Dr. Raghunandan C
Dr. Ajay Ravi
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